Romance in thin air
I subscribed many a newsletter that keep me up to date with aviation stuff and one of my favourites is provided by AvWeb, a good general and business aviation portal based in Us. In particular, there's a small weekly column called "Short Final" that tells funny or peculiar exchange between controllers and pilots or between pilots in the air. This week though, the content was 'particularly peculiar'! Read yourself:
Short Final
Romance in the air is alive and well. While on a CAP flight I heard the following over departure control:
Bonanza 123, squawk 4567.
A short while later ...
Bonanza 123, do you have a passenger named [woman's first name] aboard?
Bonanza 123:
Can you put her on? We are holding an important message for her.
Bonanza 123:
Stand by.
Bonanza 123 (woman's voice):
This is [woman's name].
We have been asked to relay a message to you from [man's name] in [aircraft number]. Are you ready to copy?
Bonanza 123 (woman's voice):
[Man's name] sends the following message: "Will you marry me?"
Bonanza 123:
[garbled transmission]
We didn't get that. What is your answer?
Bonanza 123 (woman's voice):
I would be honored.
Bonanza 123, we copy and will relay.
Cap Flight 2237:
Cap Flight 2237 offers best wishes to the bride.
Delta 0000:
Delta 0000 offers best wishes to the bride.
Bonanza 123, Cap Flight 2237 and Delta 0000 send best wishes to the bride.
Bonanza 123 (woman's voice again): Thank you.
CAP Flight 2237:
Nice to know romance on the airways is alive and well. Over 3,000 hours up here, and I never heard anything like that.
Me either. We have never played cupid before.
Tom Simmons